April 25th 1923
Dear Brill
When I saw you last I recognised what
the peculiar nature of our relation
is and I think I have not been mis-
taken. There is something unalterable in
it, an intimacy of the kind present in blood
relationships. I am deeply dissatisfied by
some points in you (in fact I cannot
pardon your having resigned the reclin-
ing position and given 20 minutes of ψα
treatment), I am annoyed, that you have
not done more knowing well that you
did a great deal, I am ensuring you,
putting up another man to occupy the
place you did not succeed in filling,
I know I am in danger of treating
you injustly – and yet I never am
really angry, never feel a diminution
of any kind feelings towards you
and so I conclude it must be the
same with you towards me.As regards Frink I rather think you under-
rate him intellectually. He has shown
signs of deep understanding rarely to be
met with and he has learned so much
by his own neurosis that I have a high
opinion of his chance as a leader. If
a leader is possible in NY! I know it
can be no easy task if you did not
succeed but the attempt should
be made and you not to hinder
it. I learned with astonishment
that Frink planned some -
literary attack on you, took it as a proof
that he is still far from normality
and dissuaded him severely by letter.
I hope you will show no excessive re-
action, if my letter came too late to
stop his folly.I ordered a copy of my last pamphlet „Das
Ich u das Es“ to be sent to you today.
It may seem too speculative and I will
be glad to turn my back on these
abstruse problems.I had an operation an my palate last
week, a growth removed, which is said,
to be a benignant one; yet it showed a
tendency to luxuriating, I am 67 and
must be prepared to see my last
day sooner or later. So whatever
happens be sure of my affection, even
when shown in upbraiding and
keep me in good recollection when
we do not meet again or come
over to see me when you can
and I endure.Affectionately yours
FreudP.S. I know █████ is not cured,
it is remarkable, so much could be
done for him. Now the question is:
is this all or can we do more by
ΨA for such a case of true Paranoia?
What about his effort to give up
dentistry and turn to money-making?
I ventured no advise