• S.

    Das erste Blatt dieses Briefes (doppelseitig beschrieben) ist verloren gegangen. Dem Brief beigefügt ist eine entsprechende Notiz aus der Hand von Abraham A. Brill, die auf den Inhalt dieser verloren gegangenen Seiten Bezug nimmt.]

  • S.

    of the new English Journal
    towards which you contributed
    much more than any other
    and lend to it your name as
    a coeditor. You ought to bury
    your jealousy to against
    Jones and cooperate with
    him for the common cause.
    Should it not become visible
    that the handling of ΨA
    can move a man to over-
    come the most common
    human weaknesses?

    As for █████ I really donot
    know where I could have
    offended you. As regards his case
    he made an excellent recovery
    here, left me in complete health
    and clearness, had a relapse
    at home and is expected to
    arrive here tomorrow. I hope
    he will have learned by his
    relapse to believe, of what

  • S.

    he could not be convinced here.
    If he is cured I will be very
    proud as he may claim
    the diagnosis of paranoic
    jealous delusion. But I want
    his wife to be with him
    this time in opposition
    and as a supplement to
    the conditions of his former
    stay here. To be sure I will
    tax him # 10 this time.

    Now try to get into
    regular communication
    with me and beware of
    falling back into your
    isolation which did you
    harm. I will send you
    the 4th edition of the Sextheory
    just come out. Give my
    love to your wife and
    children and remember
    your old but unchanged
