• S.

    Jan 5th 20.

    Dear Brill

    Your missing letter (undated)
    arrived at last and put
    an end to all my misgiv-
    ings. I congratulate you upon
    the way you have found
    out of the difficulty
    and let me add if I was
    in monetary distress I
    would not omit you
    among those near to me,
    to whom I could appeal.
    Happily I am not; my
    brother in law Bernays,
    having charged himself
    with the entertainment
    of those family members
    hitherto supported by
    myself and my brother,
    has relieved me a great deal.

  • S.

    I am glad to hear you
    mention the name of Mr
    Lewisohn, I expect him to
    be of a family well known
    to my wife. Will you kindly
    inquire in what relation
    one Mrs Sally L. stands
    to your patient (perhaps
    an aunt?). I knew her at
    Hamburg well.

    The Kl. Hans will be excellent
    for the Monograph series.
    But will he not hurl you into
    another Leonardo-trial? If
    so, rather prefer the „Ratten-
    mann“ (Zwangsneurose), done
    by yourself, if you have leisure.
    Your banker – is right, never
    change dollars into crowns.

    The editors of my nephew propose
    a lecture tour through America
    guaranteing # 10,000. But I feel
    not strong enough for the

    Now send me the missing books.
    Glad our relations are cleared
    and reopened yours