My dear Professor
When I got your letter in re Kamm [sic] I was in San Francisco Cal. to the Am. Psych. Ass. I cabled you that I would write to Kann which I did. As I had no stationery of my own with me and as I was to be away for about a month, and thinking that the situation was urgent I wrote him a letter and enclosed t[he? two?] identification card which he was to show the American Consul with my letters. I assumed all financial and other responsibility [sic] and promised to send the legal papers as soon as I came to New York. After all the papers were signed and ready to be send [sic] to him I received a cable from Kamm telling me not to send the affidavits but wait until I receive a letter from him. Today I got two letters from him. In the first letter he told me that that [sic] they already have a visum through a relative from
Dr. Friedlander, Cincinnati Cl. so they thanked me for my good offer. But Kann would like me to send Affidavits for his parents Leo Kann & Louise K. In the second letter dated a few days later than the first he (Kann) informs me that his sister Dr. Susanne K. is also coming to the U.S. Now I don't know just what to do about it. The Affidavit that we have to sign obligates us to be responsible financially etc for those we wish to help to come here. As you know that we are now striving to bring here a number of persons that we know well it is a question whether I should undertake this obligation for elderly people whom I don't know and who could be brought here by the same people who gave Kann the Affidavit. I am trying to bring over here Storfer and Bergler whom I have sent affidavits already and would be pleased to do all that is possible for any of our own who need affidavits but unless you want me to do it I'd rather not send the Affidavits for Kann's parents. I'll do what you wish in
in this matter.
I am very happy that you are nicely located in London and I hope that the new friendly environment will be conducive to keep you in good health.
I am not coming to the congress for a number of reasons. Primarily because I am suffering from an arthritic condition which causes difficulty in walking and necessitates dieting etc. I am also unwilling to participate in the discussion which will have to come up about the attitude of the Am. Psychoan. Soc. You see I am between the devil and the deep sea. Since I have retired I have not attended the meetings simply because I am not in sympathy with the groups attitude towards the Internat. If I had gone to the meetings I would have had to fight and I am
sure there would have been a schizm [sic] in the society. That too I hate to countenance. I built up this structure and I would not wish to tear it down. Sometimes I feel like doing it but in these hard times one must control oneself. However I hope that things will arrange themselves rightly. At all events I shall always be with the International.
Concerning the publications I am in correspondence with Martin who is undoubtedly informing you of everything.
With my very best wishes to the family I am
Affectionately yours