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    DR. A. A. BRILL

    Aug 28

    My dear Professor

    I just read that a steamer will take some mail to Germany & Austria so I take this opportunity to write to you.

    I hope that you and yours are well and if you can drop me a line I will be very grateful to you.  Public opinion is here against Germany & Austria

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    because the press is fed by news which comes entirely from London.  As you probably know the cables to Germany are all cut.  At first the newspapers published nothing but victories of the Allies and "terrible routs" [sic?] of the German & Austrian army.  For the last few days the truth leaked out and the German victories in Belgium & France as well as one Austrian victory in Russian Poland have been reported.  It is incredible how public opinion here which was always favorable to Germany should have changed so curiously.  I was

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    rash enough to defend Germany & Austria in a discussion with one of my patients and he became so enraged as to give up the treatment.  Of course he only utilized this episode to bring out already existing resistances.  He was hit very hard financially by the war.  This is really the cause for most of the antipathy against Germany & Austria who are supposed to be responsible for this war - according to the pro-english press.

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    There is no denying that the financial situation has been affected.  We are all feeling the war.  Food stuffs are rising although there is really no cause for it.  I was to sail on the 24th of this month and I just received my return check for the Hamburg American Line.  During a cataclysm such as this it is hardly worth while bewailing individual loses [sic] but I cannot help feeling that everything will be retarded, who knows by how much.  I hope that you will not suffer by this war and that your sons

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    and other members of your family will escape the horrors of war.

    I am naturally disappointed that I shall not have a vacation.  My wife was very anxious that I should go abroad and it was she that engaged [sic?] my passage.  She thought it would do me much good to go abroad as I cannot have any vacation here.  Something always comes up which calls me back to my office.

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    Should the war clouds soon disappear I shall take my trip in the winter.

    Mrs Price who consulted you came to see me.  She naturally wishes to go to you and if it will be possible she will do so.

    My family is doing well.  My wife is bearing her pregnancy very well.  As for me, there is considerable to be desired but I shall discuss this when I see you.

    Wishing you and yours the best of luck and hoping to hear how you are I am

    Very Sincerely Your