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    DR. A. A. BRILL

    My dear Professor

    I am very pleased to know that you wish to read the manuscript of Wit.  I will send it to you as soon as it will be ready.  I am through with the translation but I have not yet arranged the substitutions and from present indications I shall not be able to do it before the end of May.  I was busy this whole month reading the proof sheets of the Psychopathologie and writing an

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    introduction and index.  The introduction is very brief.  I thought that it would be appropriate to give an account of the coming into existence of the Psychopathologie and what it treats of.  I am quite pleased with the translation and I am sure that you will be satisfied.  As soon as I will be through with the Wit I shall take up Totem & Tabu most of which is already translated.  For the last four months I wished at least a thousand times that New York should be near Vienna.  I am so anxious to see you and talk to you.  I have been very depressed.  It is not due to personal matters I am

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    doing well in practice, my family life is good but I am constantly annoyed by reports from Jung and his crowd.  I never mistook him I told you what I thought of him years ago but I could have never imagined how low this man was.  I don't think that there is a meaner person in this universe.  He is spreading broad cast [sic] the most vilifying reports about you he is distorting everything you ever told him in confidence and is manufacturing

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    the most disgusting lies.  It seems that he let it be known that anybody who wants to come to him can learn the method of psychoanalysis in a few weeks for the sum of 50 or 100 dollars.  A few such persons have been to see him and the only thing he taught them was to talk against you.  One of these persons a woman came to my clinic and wanted to become my assistant, she evidently did not know the relations existing between me & Jung and she at once started with a set formula which came to me before from Dr. Hinkle and others namely, that the Jews cannot get away from the 

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    from the rotten sex etc.  I told her that I don't approve of women practicing psychoanalysis without a medical diploma.  She thereupon told me that a number of neurotic women are now with Jung learning to treat by ψ. α.  She went away disappointed and then wrote me a letter saying that she was sorry she troubled me she did not know that I belonged to the "old school".  This is the general attitude; Jung has discovered the whole thing he is progressive, sex plays no

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    part etc.  I am going to write a paper and will attack these methods of encouraging neurotic not medical women to practice ψ. α. and if some one should do it abroad it would do much good and would cut off at least one avenue of communication for Jung.  A recent attack was made by Dercum he did not give one idea that he could call his own.  He simply repeated what Hoche said.  The Psychoanalytic Society does not flourish very well under Frink and I am very pleased that his term is drawing to an end.

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    On the other hand a club has recently been formed by the younger alienists called the Vidonian Club of which I am one of the officers and it is going to be a psychoanalytic club.  In spite of Starr's opposition I finally succeeded in getting the Clinic of Psychiatry in Columbia in working order and I have 2 men working psychoanalytically.  I hope to make a psychoanalytic clinic of it some day.  My book has come to a second edition it will probably appear

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    in a few weeks.

    Burrow was to see me and from what I gathered from him he is quite tired of Jung.  I also hear that Dr Young from Omaha [?] who was with Jung last year is thinking seriously of going to Wien.  He challenged me last Fall on his return from Zurich to take up a debate with him on Jung's method.  As I always suspected Jung is behing the new Journal given out by Jelliffe & White.  Some one should write something to put a quietus [?] on some of these lies.  Tannenbaum has recently written two good papers in answer to some attacks

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    on ψα which I should review for the Zeitschrift.  Within the next few weeks I am to read four papers at the Spring meetings.

    What are your plans for the Summer?

    With kindest regards and best wishes from us all to you and your family I am

    Very sincerely