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    DR. A. A. BRILL

    April 12/36

    My dear Professor.

    I am hoping that this letter will reach you on or before your 80th birthday.  Mrs. Brill and I wish to express our sincere wishes to you and Mrs. Freud on this happy occasion.  It is our cherished wish that you will have many happy returns of this day.

    As a slight token of my affection I wish you to accept as a birthday gift # 5000, which I deposited with Adolph Lewisohn & Co 61 Broadway in your name.  You may use this money for any purpose that you like.  Having in mind the uncertainties of the conditions abroad I thought it best to keep the money here until Lewisohn or I hear from you how to dispose of it.

    Soon after I received your last letter your sister Mrs. Bernays phoned and I called on here.  I had a very nice and interesting

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    visit with here [sic].  She is very dynamic and remarkably interesting.  What she wanted to propose was that something should be done on the occasion of your birthday.  Eddy was contemplating something she said.  He then came to see me and I told him what you said in your letter, that you did not want any festivities but he convinced me that something should be done.  However, he is doing it.  I naturally could not refuse my cooperation.  He proposes that a dinner be given - he is giving it - at which about a dozen speakers will say something for a few minutes and to invite altogether about 100 guests.  I am sure everything will be nicely done but remember I have not been the originator of it.

    Again wishing you a very happy birthday I am