• S.

    DR. A. A. BRILL

    My dear Professor.

    As per your letter just received 
    I have requested my bankers to send 
    # 1500 to the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, to 
    be deposited to the I.P.A. Verlag London.

    I hope to see you on my way 
    to the congress.  I expect to be in Vienna 
    about a week before the Saturday pre-
    ceding the congress.  Glover cabled 
    me that it would be desirous for me 
    to be in Marienbad on Saturday, when an 
    important session is to take place.  I was 
    not sure until today when I would 
    come.  Gioia expects to give birth to 
    a child by the end of this month 
    and my wife thought that I should 
    be here until the confinement.  I 
    finally obtained passage on The Queen 
    Mary sailing from here July 8.  As

  • S.

    Gioia is perfectly well, we do not anticip-
    ate any untoward difficulties and I am 
    sure I can leave on this date.  I 
    shall go by way of Switzerland to Vienna.

    I am very glad to hear that you 
    weathered well all the festivities.  I was 
    particularly pleased at the step taken 
    by the Am. Psychiatric Association.  It 
    was a very nice gesture by the largest 
    psychiatric organization in the world.  
    I was present when you were elected 
    and when they sent you the congratulatory 

    Soon after my return to NY.C. 
    from this meeting we had a meeting 
    of the section no Psychiatry & Neurology at 
    the N. Y. Academy of Medicine in which 
    Sachs has again disburdened himself 
    in his usual way.  The audience was 
    with us.

    Anticipating the pleasure of 
    seeing you soon I am

    As ever