My dear Professor
I am very grateful to you for sending me the nicest Christmas gift I ever received. It is just the gift I needed in those days. I can assure you that it has already helped and inspired me.
Since my letter to you I have felt much better, my ability for work has also increased. I just received word from
Unwin London that he is going to publish the Psychopathologie. This naturally caused me much happiness. He also wants me to give him a translation of Wit and Totem u. Tabu. Wit is practically finished all I have to do is to substitute examples etc., while Totem u Tabu I expect to have ready very shortly. I have a patient a young writer who is helping me on it and as he knows German I expect to have it ready very soon. I am having a bit of trouble with Allen & Co. Long ago while I was endeavoring to place the Traumdeutung with him I wrote him that I would also
let him consider the Psychopathologie & Wit, to which he answered that he would be pleased to consider them. I am not very pleased with Allen for many reasons. He continually delayed the publication of the Interpretation although he promised to do so very soon after he received the manuscript. The arrangement of terms what he forced me to accept, I am told, are [sic] very poor and unsatisfactory. But the main reason for my not offering
it to him is this. The Macmillan of N. Y. asked me for the manuscript and after keeping it for months they finally refused to publish it saying that it would not pay. I suspected at the time that they wanted me to give it to Allen so that they should have no responsibility and yet handle the American edition as they did with Traumdeutung. I was naturally very angry at them for keeping the manuscript so long and for asking me for it in the first place. So that in order not to give it to them I purposely refused to give it to Allen. Now Allen is very anxious to get it because as he writes the N. Y. Macmillan
asked him for the American rights.
I don't know just what to do about sending the annual dues of the Ψ. α. Soc. to the I. V. knowing your plans I did not send anything this year. I do hope that you can bring this change about very soon.
You promised to read the Interpretation and make suggestions in the event of a second edition. I heard nothing from the publishers but I should be very interested to hear what
changes or suggestions you would make. Please remember that I am not asking you to waste any time at present I realize you have more important matters to attend to, but as you wrote me some time ago that you have gone over about 100 pages or more I am naturally curious and would like to hear your opinion.
My family is doing well. Gioia is rapidly becoming a little girl & watching her develop I more and more realize the infantile sexual theories.
The movement here is going along as nicely
as possible, we have some opposition from the old opponents but we are constantly progressing. The journals are just filled with psychoanalytic literature. Psychoanalysts are springing up everywhere and my only worry is how to check the "wild psychoanalysts."
With kindest regards and best wishes to you and yours I am
Very Sincerely