Jany 19.th 20
Dear Brill
Your letter (undated, arrived today) touched
me deeply. I am happy to say you are wrong
in some important details. When I asked
you if you had fallen off, I did not
believe it myself for one moment. I con-
sidered it a good stimulant to provoke
your answer, to be sure I was angry at
that time to have got so many books
and letters from others, none from
you. We are all unsettled by the irregularities
of the post and apt to forget how easily
a letter is lost. Next you utterly err in
supposing I felt but little personal interest
in you from the beginning. I am sure
in the contrary that from our first
acquaintance I put a complete confidence
in you, not shaken to this day, such as
a Jew can only put in another Jew,
and I thought highly of your abilities
as a scientific man and a physician.
The only fault, for which I often took
the liberty to upraid you, was your
excessive susceptibility, this too a peculiarity
of our race. So I hope you will cheer
up and believe me, I always avoided
telling lies.Now as for Jones I guess your recriminations
are justified, but we want him, we
owe him a bit of tolerance (the same every
one of ourselves stands in need of), he is a
true friend and adherer of our cause, a -
powerful hand and it is important, that there
should exist no personal enmity between our
leaders – or as little as possible to human indi-
viduals. I reckon with your support and
good will.The news you give me about Jung and Sister
Moltzer areabsfairly what I expected. I
used to say of him: „Seine schiefen Theorien
entschädigen mich nicht für seinen krum̄en
Character.“ He is the typical self-destruct-
ing neurotic, driven by his unrelenting
feeling of guiltiness.Yesterday Herbert Silberer announced in the meeting the
foundation of a new ψα Journal edited
in New York by Tannenbaum, himself and
Stekel. He showed the impudence to
invite us to friendly cooperation and
brought kind greetings from his famous
patron Stekel. The answer he got from
me under the applause of the Society
was such as he deserved. I see Tannenbaum
is a dangerous man and has to be left
outside. I am sorry I gave a kind answer
to a compliment of his by means of
G. S. Viereck with whom I had a short
amicable correspondence. Many Americans
write to me and I try to be always
polite as I have no personal knowledge
of their character. This Viereck is no doubt
a very gifted person and excellent
writer. But he calls himself a friend
to Tannenbaum.Now do write me again as soon
as you can. I am sincerely yours